Thursday, May 14, 2009

another wedding look

i think this one is better than my old ones...i don't know why, i just think this one is more on point...

all mac unless otherwise stated

stila sheer color tinted moisturizer
mac studio fix powder nc25
mac powder blush mocha

udpp sin
brown border
falsies #41
ud big fatty mascara

soar l/l
what a do! l/s
lustrewhite l/g

last one was take on my phone...sry.

winter wonderland

this look is a little more intricate, and took significantly longer than most other looks i've done...the way it came about, i was on my way to class one night and it had just started snowing...not very heavily, but it was still coming down...something clicked in my head, and i had an overall idea of how i wanted it to look. how the actual look came out was vastly different from what i had initially pictured in my head...

mac shadows - fogery, electra, knight devine, black tied, jest
mac pigment - pink opal
some no name clear lip gloss

st pat's day

mac shadows - swimming, sumptuous olive, humid, femme-fi
mac pigment - vintage gold
rapidblack, graphblack liners
urban decay big fatty mascara
mac hello kitty false lashes (half strip)

lucky tom

mac lucky tom quad (from hello kitty line)
penultimate in black
mac x in black

sunset-ish look

mac shadows - goldmine, passionate, prussian, naked lunch
mac fluidline in black
no mascara, no lips